Kim is our Operations Manager and member of the Senior Management Team.

With her heart in the right place, fun and energy, Kim keeps our team focused on our goal, helping you, our clients. Kim works hard in the background to make things happen for all of us. Optimising our internal structures, enabling our specialised lawyers and dedicated team to work even more efficiently. With her strategic insight and organisational skills, Kim allows us to maximise our efforts and bring our customer service to the next level.

Languages: NL, EN, some DE

Businesses and professionals looking for assistance or cooperation can contact Kim here. Please note that when busy another colleague could initially reply.

In which country are you formally registered as resident? If you are not sure, in which country do you pay tax and/or in which country do you spend most days out of the year?
Which nationality or nationalities do you currently have?
If you know it use country code. For example, UK is +44, Netherlands is +31, USA is +1, South Africa is +27, China is +86, etc.
If you prefer WeChat or Skype please tell us your ID in your message below.
If you are looking for legal advice or assistance please explain your situation, challenges and your desired outcome. Also let us know how and when we can best contact you.