Administration / Organisation
Law Students and Graduates (volunteers)
Unpaid volunteers / work experience. For our volunteer organisation (NIDV) we are looking for volunteers with legal knowledge. Ideal for students or graduates who want to gain some experience. From webdesign, writing (legal) articles, organisation, reviews of relevant (international) law, to answering public queries, we can train you and make it an enjoyable productive time.
Employed Positions
The are currently no employee positions open.
The are currently no employee positions open.
The are currently no employee positions open.
We can discuss different partnership constructions such as:
(Independent) Jurist / Lawyer / Solicitor (different countries/jurisdictions)
Work on a freelance basis directly for Habsburg Legal Services ltd. You work as an independent freelancer on a case by case basis, terms can be agreed to on an individual basis. We want to ensure you have the work environment you are happy with. If you wish, this can be a step towards a (regional) partnership. You can also work for yourself or others but commit not to take our leads or clients elsewhere. For every potential client you allow for at least 30 minutes of free initial consultation to assess the case. You agree up to 10% of pro bono work. Real ‘for the public good’ work which is calculated only after having completed paid work. Example, after 5 hours of paid work you will commit to 30 minutes of Pro Bono work.
Jurist / Lawyer / Solicitor / Legal Company (different countries/jurisdictions)
You have your own registered company and we can cooperate and work on a case by case profit sharing basis with Habsburg Legal Services ltd. This could be on a fee, commission or subcontracting basis. You commit not to take our leads or clients elsewhere.
Regional Representative Individual or Company (different countries/jurisdictions)
You are an experienced individual, or an established company, and will work as a sole and exclusive regional representative, on a profit sharing basis, with Habsburg Legal Services ltd. You commit not to take our leads or clients elsewhere.
Interested in any of the above? Contact Us: