Lou is an experienced professional with a strong background in Australian Immigration Law & Policy. With seven years experience working for the Australian Department of Home Affairs as a Senior Officer, she has gained valuable insights into the intricacies of Australia’s immigration policies and procedures.

Now working as the Legal Coordinator for cases related to Australian Migration here at Habsburg Legal Services, Lou is dedicated to helping individuals and families navigate the migration process with ease. As a Kiwi migrant to Australia herself, she is passionate about helping people realise their dream of moving to Australia and enjoying its unique lifestyle. And of course helping towards Australian (dual) citizenship. Lou works alongside a dedicated team of experienced Australian Migration Agents and Lawyers to ensure a seamless and stress-free process for all clients 😊.

Lou’s Languages: NZ-EN and AU-EN

Contact us here…

In which country are you formally registered as resident? If you are not sure, in which country do you pay tax and/or in which country do you spend most days out of the year?
If you know it use country code. For example, UK is +44, Netherlands is +31, USA is +1, South Africa is +27, China is +86, etc.
If you are looking for tax advice or assistance please explain your situation, challenges and your desired outcome. Also let us know how and ‘when’ we can best contact you.