Kris as Dutch nationality specialist will interview you and will work with you and advise you on how to collect evidence with respect to your earlier Dutch nationality and loss of nationality. This will allow you to get a visa to return to the Netherlands. Unless our investigation opens other possibilities, we help you prepare to make use of the one and only article in Dutch law allowing any and all former Dutch nationals to regain their nationality. Irrespective if they were only 1 day Dutch, they have a right to regain their nationality. Well,.. terrorists 😡 or those who for example lied at their naturalisation are excluded.
The benefit of this route is that you are allowed to keep your other nationality/nationalities. Once resident for a year the process to regain your Dutch nationality takes about three months, make it all together 18 months for good measure. While resident in the Netherlands you are allowed to travel freely but to maintain residency you should be the majority of the year in the country. If you are concerned about that please get in touch to discuss.
Criteria: One year of permanent residency in the European part of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten or the public entities Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.
This means that because of immigration requirements, for some living a year in the Netherlands is easy while for others it can be difficult.
Former Dutch nationals who were born and raised in the Netherlands have the possibility to get a return visa. Evidence is key. Former Dutch nationals who were born or raised outside the Netherlands can only in limited circumstances get the return visa.
If you have an EU/EEA nationality, immigration is much easier if you can exercise your rights of free movement. There are also more options if you have a partner or family member with an EU nationality. We can advise you on this.
If you have the Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, Japanese, Monaco, Vatican City, US, or South Korean nationality then you don’t need an advance visa to travel into the country and can apply for residency when in the Netherlands. However, getting into the country is only half the job, as getting residency can depend on where you were born, raised and if you can financially support yourself etc.
If you have another nationality then you need to apply from abroad and immigration requirements can be more strict.
However, where there is a will there is a way and we can support you in overcoming Dutch immigration challenges. Remember, there may be other ways to get your Dutch nationality back.
We estimate that for straightforward cases this will take us just 2 to 3 hours and for more challenging and complex cases this may take 4 to 10 hours. A few have taken up to 20 hours. Contact us below to ask for a consult to discuss your situation and ask each other questions.
Where requested we can, amongst others, assist with finding accommodation, prepare and assist with relocation formalities, etc. Relocation services are of course cheaper than lawyer services and assistance.
You can contact Kris here: