Netherlands tax returns, consultancy and bookkeeping services. Especially for individuals and the self employed with international financial interests. Are you in need of Tax Advice or assistance?

Frans assists with Dutch tax returns, personal or commercial tax affairs, and bookkeeping and accounting services. He is well versed with Dutch nationals who have international income or property. Frans has specialist skills with international Live Music Entertainment and TV recordings; guiding musicians internationally, ticket sales, tour planning, tour management, permits, music law, trademark law

Frans his knowledge comes from a lot of experience in the whole of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Peru, South Africa, and elsewhere.

Frans speaks Dutch, English and German.


  • Tax advice and consultation (phone, email, etc).
  • Tax returns (average case requires 5 to 6 hours of work, to be discussed at initial consult).
  • Bookkeeping and tax return package.
  • Projects (to be discussed)
Dutch Accountant / Tax Adviser.


A bit about myself. I studied business administration and computer science and started out many moons ago as an administrative assistant and computer science teacher. Following that I worked for a two companies handling their financial administrative processes, automation, payroll administration, human resources, tax returns, insurance and legal issues.

The last 20 years or so I worked within the entertainment sector, where besides bookkeeping and accounting I also assisted with organizing concerts and TV recordings worldwide, including organizing ticket sales, exploring new markets, consulting with government agencies to obtain (work) permits and visa, supervision of (guest) artists, tour management, music rights and trademark rights. During these years my work became more internationally focused.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to see how and if I can help you. I always start with an initial consult to assess your needs and answer (some of) your questions. I don’t always work alone, so sometimes I may introduce you to a colleague who may help us both with the tax affairs in the other country.

Dutch / Netherlands Intl tax queries contact form.

In which country are you formally registered as resident? If you are not sure, in which country do you pay tax and/or in which country do you spend most days out of the year?
If you know it use country code. For example, UK is +44, Netherlands is +31, USA is +1, South Africa is +27, China is +86, etc.
If you are looking for tax advice or assistance please explain your situation, challenges and your desired outcome. Also let us know how and ‘when’ we can best contact you.
To impress us Frans send the team this picture of his bed. We are definitely impressed but suspect he cheated and these are not his own. Could it be a hotel room and the passports of the musicians he helped with their tour? You see, you should never trust a tax adviser!!!!