To all clients and potential clients. Please note that as of 01 Feb 2023 our fees are changing. This is unfortunately necessary as our own operating expenses have seen recent increases due to economic factors. As our own expenses went up we tried to maintain our fees as long as possible but now see the need to adjust ours as well.

What does it mean for you?
Current clients will be notified and are given 2 weeks notice as per their Retainer Agreement. Anyone is welcome to discuss the impact and possible financial solutions if this creates a more than usual burden. Their fees will change accordingly as per 14 Feb 2023 or later per the notice given.

New clients may not notice anything except that their new Retainer Agreements will have the new rates.

Which fees?
Because we work with a number of different specialists the change of fees may differ. Some of our specialists have decided not to increase their fees.

We thank you for your understanding.