I hope that this Australian radio interview (in Dutch) gives the Dutch expats, migrants and community in Australia a little clarity on the complexity of the Dutch nationality / citizenship law. My aim is to give the right info to people so that less fall victim to losing their Dutch nationality without realising it. It still happens way too often, listen to the other interviews. About every week I come across a new case or two. For all former Dutchies there is at least one route, sometimes more, to get the nationality back. But for many not always easy or practically possible. Wouldn’t we all just prefer that the government of the Netherlands recognises the modern and increasingly global world we are in and stops sticking to a principle of 1892?

Australian interview, but this applies to many if not all (former) Dutchies abroad/worldwide who may consider, or already have, another nationality. Link to the 10-Year Clocks explained. In two weeks another interview explaining the 10-Year Clock and possible loss of nationality.

SBS Dutch Radio Australia interview with Kris von Habsburg.

Overview of series of interviews on loss of Dutch nationality, SBS Dutch Australia.

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