
21 maart 2022
Gezien het huidige conflict en de aanval op Oekraïne willen we mensen een kopie geven van de Oekraïense Nationaliteitswetgeving, in het Engels hieronder. Houd er rekening mee dat de wet kan veranderen of dat vertalingen fouten kunnen bevatten.
Waarschuwing voor niet-Oekraïense onderdanen die vechten voor/met/tegen Oekraïne
Disclaimer: Dit gedeelte is alleen bedoeld als waarschuwing om uw plannen of situatie nader te onderzoeken en kan niet worden opgevat als juridisch advies. De informatie hier kan onjuist zijn en daarom is het belangrijk om juridische verduidelijking te krijgen van de overheid of een jurist met betrekking tot de wetten en uw specifieke/persoonlijke situatie.

We willen goedbedoelende niet-Oekraïenen waarschuwen dat deelname aan het Oekraïense leger of meevechten ook in eigen land juridische gevolgen kan hebben. Ons advies is dat zolang uw land zijn burgers niet duidelijk en legaal toestaat om in een buitenlands leger te vechten u hier goed over nadenkt. Als u toch gaat, kunt u dit het beste niet publiekelijk maken en niet verschijnen op social media, het nieuws, etc. In zeker 70 landen kan/zal het verlenen van militaire dienst aan het buitenland leiden tot het verlies van uw eigen nationaliteit. Bij twijfel niet doen.
Deze pagina heeft alleen betrekking op nationaliteitswetgevingen. Er kunnen overige criminele, militaire of andere (juridische) negatieve gevolgen zijn. Landen waar het verlenen van buitenlandse militaire dienst/hulp of vechten tot verlies van de nationaliteit kan leiden: Australië, Oostenrijk, Wit-Rusland / Belarus, Bosnië en Herzegovina, Cyprus, Frankrijk, Georgië, Duitsland, Griekenland, Italië, Japan, Kirgizië, Letland (zie hieronder ), Litouwen, Montenegro, Nederland (zie hieronder), Roemenië, Zuid-Afrika, Spanje, Tadzjikistan, Turkije, Turkmenistan, Oekraïne (zie hieronder), VS, Oezbekistan, en meer…
Blijkbaar heeft Rusland dit zelf niet in de wetgeving opgenomen. Als zodanig zou een Rus die in een ander leger vecht misschien zijn nationaliteit kunnen behouden. Er zullen echter hoogstwaarschijnlijk andere (zeer) negatieve gevolgen zijn.
Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap, artikel 14 lid 3
“Onze Minister kan het Nederlanderschap intrekken van de persoon die de leeftijd van zestien jaar heeft bereikt en die zich vrijwillig in vreemde krijgsdienst begeeft van een staat die betrokken is bij gevechtshandelingen tegen het Koninkrijk dan wel tegen een bondgenootschap waarvan het Koninkrijk lid is.”
Hierdoor kan een Nederlandse burger zich bij de Oekraïense strijdkrachten voegen zonder gevolgen voor de nationaliteit, tenzij de oorlog en de politiek veranderen. U kunt in Nederland echter nog steeds vervolgd worden voor geweldsdelicten, zie hieronder. Bovendien staat de Nederlandse militaire wet niet toe dat Nederlandse militairen vrijwillig meevechten in een ander leger. Als je militair bent, moet je een verzoek indienen om gedetacheerd te worden bij de Oekraïense strijdkrachten. Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat dit momenteel zou worden toegestaan of gebeuren.
Ter verduidelijking: elke Nederlandse burger die zich bij de Russische strijdkrachten voegt of deze assisteert, loopt een ernstig risico, afhankelijk van toekomstige ontwikkelingen. Zie hieronder het risico op strafrechtelijke vervolging en mogelijk verlies van nationaliteit.
Dubbele nationaliteit (Oekraïense-Nederlander / Russisch-Nederlander)
Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap, artikel 14 lid 8
“Met uitzondering van het geval, bedoeld in het eerste lid, heeft geen verlies van het Nederlanderschap plaats indien staatloosheid daarvan het gevolg zou zijn.”
Dit betekent dus dat als u alleen Nederlander bent, u niet staatloos kunt worden en uw Nederlandse nationaliteit niet verliest. Tenzij lid 1 op u van toepassing is en dat gaat om een persoon die eerder op frauduleuze wijze Nederlander is geworden, door het afleggen van valse verklaringen, of het niet vermelden van relevante feiten.
Als u echter wel een andere nationaliteit erbij heeft (het maakt niet uit welke andere), loopt u het risico de Nederlandse nationaliteit te verliezen, afhankelijk van de verdere ontwikkelingen rond het conflict. Het Nederlandse Openbaar Ministerie waarschuwt dat “burgers die deelnemen aan de strijd zonder in dienst te treden kunnen worden gestraft voor het plegen van geweldsmisdrijven.” Dat betekent dat je als burger niet kunt meevechten. Je moet deel uitmaken van het Oekraïense leger, of het Nederlandse leger als ze later in deze oorlog zouden meegaan.
Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap, artikel 14 lid 2:
“Onze Minister kan het Nederlanderschap intrekken van de persoon die onherroepelijk is veroordeeld wegens:
a. een misdrijf omschreven in de titels I tot en met IV van het Tweede Boek van het Nederlandse Wetboek van Strafrecht, waarop naar de wettelijke omschrijving een gevangenisstraf van acht jaar of meer is gesteld;
b. een misdrijf als bedoeld in de artikelen 83, 134a of 205 van het Nederlandse Wetboek van Strafrecht;
c. een misdrijf dat soortgelijk is aan de misdrijven bedoeld onder a waarop naar de wettelijke omschrijving in de strafwet van een van de landen van het Koninkrijk een gevangenisstraf van acht jaar of meer is gesteld, danwel een misdrijf dat naar de wettelijke omschrijving in de strafwet van een van de landen van het Koninkrijk soortgelijk is aan de misdrijven bedoeld onder b;”
En hoewel de schrijver geen jurist in het strafrecht is, begrijpen we dat dit ook veroordelingen omvat voor het vechten in een oorlog, al dan niet in het (buitenlandse) leger, terrorisme, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid, oorlogsmisdaden en andere soortgelijke misdaden.
Eerst moet de Nederlandse, of buitenlandse, officier van justitie voldoende bewijs hebben om tot vervolging over te gaan, dan moet hij/zij willen vervolgen, en dan moet de minister besluiten tot intrekking van de nationaliteit over te willen gaan. Er zijn hier wel reële risico’s. Het is aan de individu om deze risico’s te beoordelen en te overwegen.
Zult u een last of een bijdrage voor Oekraïne zijn?
Mogen we vanuit militair oogpunt suggereren dat het niet zinvol is om als vrijwilliger mee te doen aan een conflict als je de lokale taal niet spreekt. Bovendien, als je geen militaire opleiding hebt genoten en begrijpt hoe een echte volledige oorlog eruit ziet, zijn je kansen om slachtoffer te worden en een last tot Ukraine te worden erg hoog, in plaats van de bedoelde positieve bijdrage. Vanuit militair perspectief, ga in plaats daarvan naar het Nederlandse leger. Wees politiek vocaal en/of verleen andere logistieke of humanitaire steun aan Oekraïne.
“Hoe dan ook gaan!”
Als je besluit om in Oekraïne te gaan vechten, laat het dan aan je naaste familieleden weten. Vraag om alles vertrouwelijk te houden. Maak uw testament. Maak geen publiciteit op sociale media. Verberg je gezicht voor tv en fotografen in/nabij Oekraïne. In geval van gevangenneming/dood: neem slechts een minimum aan persoonlijk identificeerbare informatie mee. Neem contant geld mee, laat een eventuele bankpas bij uw paspoort. Vraag de Oekraïense troepen of ze uw paspoort veilig kunnen bewaren, bij voorkeur in de buurt van een veilige grens. Neem wat pasfoto’s mee en vraag om een lokaal identificatiedocument met een Oekraïens klinkende (andere) naam. Bewaar een kopie/notitie van die gegevens bij uw paspoort. Vragen betekent niet dat het mogelijk is of zal gebeuren. Draag Oekraïense militaire kleding en insignes. Bereid je verhaal en uitleg voor in je hoofd. Verwacht niet dat de Russen in de frontlinie u Nederlandse consulaire bijstand zullen aanbieden. Als je wordt gevangen wordt je waarschijnlijk gezien als vijandig militair, krijgsgevangene, of erger nog, gebrandmerkt als terrorist. Leer iets over de 3e Conventie van Genève, Artikel 4, en de rechten die u mogelijk wilt claimen. Leer wat u van het Rode Kruis enz. kunt verwachten. Probeer niet te liegen, maar geef indien mogelijk in eerste instantie niet uw Nederlandse nationaliteit, woonadres enz. vrij, want dat kan grotere problemen opleveren voor uzelf en het land. Als je kunt toneelspelen is shellshock/trauma een goede reden om voor je uit te staren en niet te veel te praten. Ik wens je het beste. Wees veilig en wees goed!
Het Letse parlement nam op 28 februari 2022 verschillende amendementen aan die het Letse onderdanen mogelijk maken om zich bij de Oekraïense strijdkrachten aan te sluiten. Artikel 24, lid 2 van de Letse wet op het staatsburgerschap stelt dat de nationaliteit kan worden ingetrokken als een Lets onderdaan in dienst is van de strijdkrachten of militaire organisatie van een ander land, maar voorziet in vrijstellingen voor meerdere landen. Door de laatste wijziging is Oekraïne toegevoegd aan de lijst van vrijgestelde landen. Dit betekent dat Letse burgers die zich aansluiten bij de Oekraïense strijdkrachten op die grond niet langer van hun nationaliteit kunnen worden beroofd. De wijziging is van kracht vanaf 1 maart 2022. Zorg ervoor dat er geen bewijs is dat u eerder dan die datum lid bent geworden. We hebben geen informatie over andere negatieve juridische/strafrechtelijke gevolgen.
Oekraïense staatsburgers die zich bij buitenlandse (Russische) troepen voegen, moeten zich ervan bewust zijn dat ze naast de risico’s van oorlog en vervolging ook hun Oekraïense nationaliteit kunnen verliezen. Maar niet als dit tot staatloosheid zou leiden. Oekraïners met twee nationaliteiten die de Russische strijdkrachten steunen, lopen een groot risico hun Oekraïense nationaliteit te verliezen. We kijken hier alleen naar de mogelijke impact op uw nationaliteit en niet naar andere gerelateerde juridische kwesties. Oekraïens-Russische dubbele staatsburgers zouden het Russische leger niet moeten steunen als ze hun Oekraïens nationaliteit waarderen.
Oekraïens nationaliteitsrecht, inleiding artikel 19:
“De gronden voor het verlies van het staatsburgerschap van Oekraïne zijn:”
en, lid 3:
“vrijwillige deelname aan de militaire dienst van een andere staat die geen militaire dienst of alternatieve (niet-militaire) dienst is volgens de wetgeving van deze staat.”
“De bepalingen van de clausules 1, 3, eerste deel van dit artikel zijn niet van toepassing indien een burger van Oekraïne staatloos wordt.”
Zoals eerder vermeld, zullen Oekraïens-Russische dubbele nationaliteiten blijkbaar hun Russische nationaliteit niet verliezen als/wanneer zij zich bij de Oekraïense strijdkrachten voegen. De Russische wet zwijgt blijkbaar over deelname aan een buitenlands leger of oorlogsconflict. Zij kunnen echter worden geconfronteerd met andere negatieve juridische gevolgen en vervolging vanuit/in Rusland. Dit is gebaseerd op de laatst gepubliceerde Engelse versie van de Russische nationaliteitswet (hieronder) en deze is mogelijk gewijzigd.
As on 21 March 2022
Law of Ukraine
On Nationality / Citizenship of Ukraine
Official Online Source
Про громадянство України
Official Online Source
The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada (BVR), 2001, No. 13, Article 65)
{As amended by Laws
No. 2508-IV as of 05 April 2005, BVR, 2005, No. 20, Article 277
No. 2663-IV as of 16 June 2005, BVR, 2005, No. 30, Article 408
No. 1014-V as of 11 May 2007, BVR, 2007, No. 33, Article 442
No. 3575-VI as of 05 July 2011, BVR, 2012, No. 12-13, Article 77
No. 4652-VI as of 13 April 2012, BVR, 2013, No. 21, Article 208
No. 5459-VI as of 16 October 2012, BVR, 2013, No. 48, Article 682
No. 5492-VI as of 20 November 2012, BVR, 2013, No. 51, Article 716
No. 957-VIII as of 28 January 2016, BVR, 2016, No. 9, Article 93
No. 2743-VIII as of 06 June 2019, BVR, 2019, No. 26, Article 107}
In accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law defines the legal content of citizenship of Ukraine, the grounds and procedure for its acquisition and termination, the powers of state authorities involved in resolving issues of citizenship of Ukraine, the procedure for appealing decisions on issues of citizenship, actions or omissions of state authorities, their executives and officials.
Section I
Article 1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Law, the following definitions shall apply:
Citizenship of Ukraine – a legal relationship between an individual and Ukraine which is reflected in their mutual rights and obligations;
Person – an individual;
Citizen of Ukraine – a person who has acquired citizenship of Ukraine in accordance with the procedure provided for by the laws of Ukraine and international treaties of Ukraine;
Foreigner – a person who is not a citizen of Ukraine and is a citizen (patrial) of another state or states;
Stateless Person – a person that isn’t considered as a citizen under the legislation of any state;
Legal Representatives – parents, adoptive parents, parents-educators, foster parents, foster carers, guardians, trustees, representatives of institutions that perform the duties of guardians and trustees;
{Paragraph seventh of Article 1 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Child – a person under the age of 18;
Registration of Citizenship of Ukraine – making an entry on the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine by a specially authorized body in the relevant accounting documents;
Residence on the Territory of Ukraine on Legal Grounds – residence in Ukraine of foreigners or stateless persons who have a mark of permanent or temporary residence on the territory of Ukraine in their passports of a citizen of the former USSR of the 1974 standard, or have registered their national passport on the territory of Ukraine, or have a permanent or temporary residence permit on the territory of Ukraine, or have a military ID card of ordinary, non-commissioned, and senior personnel issued to a foreigner or a stateless person who, in accordance with the established procedure, has concluded a contract for military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or they have been granted with refugee status or asylum in Ukraine;
{paragraph tenth of Article 3 as amended by Law No. 2743-VIII dated 06 June 2019}
Continuous Residence on the Territory of Ukraine – residence in Ukraine of a person, if his/her one-time trip abroad on private business did not exceed 90 days, and 180 days in total for a year. It is not deemed as a violation of the requirement for continuous residence for a person to leave the country for a business trip, study, vacation, medical treatment on the recommendation of the relevant medical institution, or to change the person’s place of residence on the territory of Ukraine;
Obligation to Terminate Foreign Citizenship – a written statement of a foreigner that in the event of acquiring citizenship of Ukraine he/she will terminate the citizenship (nationality) of another state or citizenship (nationality) of other states and that, within two years from the date of acquiring citizenship of Ukraine, he/she will submit a document on the termination of citizenship (nationality) of another state or citizenship (nationality) of other states to the body that issued him/her a temporary certificate of the citizen of Ukraine;
{Paragraph twelve of Article 1 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV of 16 June 2005}
Independent of the Person Reason for Non-Receipt of a Document on Termination of Foreign Citizenship – non-issuance to a person in whom the authorized bodies of the state of his/her citizenship (nationality) accepted an application for termination of foreign citizenship (nationality), a document on termination of citizenship (nationality) within the time limit established by the legislation of a foreign state (except for cases when a person was refused to terminate citizenship (nationality) or within two years from the date of filing the application, if the term is not stipulated, or an absence in the legislation of a foreign state of a procedure for termination of his/her citizenship at the initiative of the person or if such a procedure is not carried out or the registration fee for termination of foreign citizenship (nationality) exceeds half a minimum wage established by the Ukrainian Law at the time when the person has acquired citizenship of Ukraine;
{Paragraph thirteenth of Article 1 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Legal Sources of Livelihood – wages, profits from business activities or property, pension, scholarship, alimony, social benefits and assistance, own financial savings, or financial assistance from family members, other individuals and legal entities with legal income;
International Treaty of Ukraine – an international treaty, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
Declaration of Renunciation of Foreign Citizenship – a document in which a foreigner, who has undertaken to terminate foreign citizenship and who has reasons beyond his control for not receiving a document on the termination of foreign citizenship (nationality) or foreign citizenship (nationality), certifies his/her renunciation of citizenship (nationality) of another state or citizenship (nationality) of other states;
{Paragraph sixteenth of Article 1 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Declaration of Renunciation of Foreign Citizenship by a Person Who Has Been Granted Refugee Status in Ukraine or Asylum in Ukraine – a document in which a foreigner, who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine certifies his/her renunciation of citizenship (nationality) of another state, according to the Law of Ukraine“On refugees”, is considered a country of citizenship;
{Article 19 has been supplemented with the paragraph under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Declaration of Renunciation of Foreign Citizenship of a Person Who Has Obtained a Temporary Residence Permit on the Basis of Part Twenty of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons” – a document in which a foreigner certifies his/her renunciation of citizenship (nationality) of another state or citizenship (nationality) of the other states;
{Article 1 has been supplemented with a new paragraph under Law No. 2743-VIII dated 06 June 2019}
Declaration of Absence of Foreign Citizenship – a document in which a person informs about the absence of foreign citizenship (nationality) or citizenship (nationality) with the justification of the reasons for such absence;
{Paragraph of Article 1 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
{Paragraph of Article 1 has been deleted under Law No. 5492-VI dated 20 November 2012}
Temporary Certificate of a Citizen of Ukraine – a document that certifies the identity and confirms the person’s belonging to the citizenship of Ukraine.
Article 2. Principles of Legislation on Citizenship of Ukraine
The legislation of Ukraine on citizenship is based on the following principles:
1) single citizenship – citizenship of the state of Ukraine, which excludes the possibility of the existence of citizenship of administrative-territorial units of Ukraine. If a citizen of Ukraine has acquired citizenship (nationality) of another state or states, then in legal relations with Ukraine, he/she is recognised solely as a citizen of Ukraine. If a foreigner has acquired citizenship of Ukraine, then in legal relations with Ukraine he/she shall be recognised solely as a citizen of Ukraine;
2) preventing the occurrence of cases of statelessness;
3) impossibility of depriving a citizen of Ukraine of citizenship of Ukraine;
4) recognition of the right of a citizen of Ukraine to change citizenship;
5) the impossibility of automatic acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine by a foreigner or a stateless person as a result of marriage with a citizen of Ukraine or acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine by his/her spouse and automatic termination of citizenship of Ukraine by one of the spouses as a result of the termination of marriage or termination of citizenship of Ukraine by the other spouse;
6) equality of citizens of Ukraine before the law, regardless of the grounds, procedure, and moment of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine;
7) preservation of citizenship of Ukraine regardless of the place of residence of a citizen of Ukraine.
Article 3. Belonging to the Citizenship of Ukraine
Citizens of Ukraine are:
1) all citizens of the former USSR who at the time of the declaration of independence of Ukraine (24 August 1991) were permanently residing on the territory of Ukraine;
2) persons who at the time of entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On citizenship of Ukraine” (13 November 1991) lived in Ukraine and were not citizens of other states, regardless of their race, skin color, political, religious, and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, language, or other characteristics;
3) persons who arrived in Ukraine for permanent residence after 13 November 1991 and who have the “citizen of Ukraine” inscription entered in their passports of a citizen of the former USSR of the 1974 standard by the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine, and the children of such persons who arrived with their parents to Ukraine and at the time of arrival in Ukraine have not reached the age of majority if these persons have submitted applications for registration as citizenship of Ukraine;
{Paragraph 3, Part first of Article 3 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
4) persons who have acquired citizenship of Ukraine in accordance with the laws of Ukraine and international treaties of Ukraine.
The persons specified in Paragraph 1, part first of this Article are deemed as citizens of Ukraine since 24 August 1991, specified in Paragraph 2 – since 13 November 1991, and in Paragraph 3 – from the moment of making a mark on the citizenship of Ukraine.
Article 4. Legislation on Citizenship of Ukraine
Issues of citizenship of Ukraine are regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, and international treaties of Ukraine.
If an international treaty of Ukraine establishes rules other than those contained in this Law, the rules of the international treaty apply.
Article 5. Documents Confirming the Citizenship of Ukraine
Documents confirming the citizenship of Ukraine are:
1) passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
{Paragraph 2 of Article 5 has been deleted under Law No. 5492-VI dated 20 November 2012}
3) passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad;
4) temporary certificate of a citizen of Ukraine;
{Paragraph 5 of Article 5 has been deleted under Law No. 5492-VI dated 20 November 2012}
6) diplomatic passport;
7) service passport;
8) seafarer’s identity card;
9) crew member’s certificate;
10) identity card for returning to Ukraine.
Section II
Article 6. Grounds for Acquiring Citizenship of Ukraine
Citizenship of Ukraine may be acquired:
1) by birth;
2) by territorial origin;
3) as a result of becoming a citizen;
4) as a result of renewal of citizenship;
5) due to adoption;
6) as a result of establishing guardianship or trusteeship over the child, placing the child into child-care or healthcare institution, family-type orphanage or adopting family or due to foster placement of a Child in a patronage fosterer family;
{Paragraph 6 of Article 6 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
7) as a result of establishing guardianship over a person recognised as legally incompetent by a court;
8) regarding the stay of one or both parents of the child in the citizenship of Ukraine;
9) due to the recognition of paternity or motherhood or the establishment of the fact of paternity or motherhood;
{Paragraph 9 of Article 6 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
10) on other grounds stipulated by international treaties of Ukraine.
Article 7. Acquisition of Citizenship of Ukraine by Birth
A person whose parents or one of the parents were citizens of Ukraine at the time of his/her birth should be deemed a Ukraine citizen.
A person born on the territory of Ukraine to stateless persons who legally reside on the territory of Ukraine shall be deemed as a citizen of Ukraine.
A person born outside of Ukraine to stateless persons who were permanently legally residing on the territory of Ukraine and had not acquired the citizenship of another state by birth should be deemed a citizen of Ukraine.
A person born on the territory of Ukraine to foreigners who legally resided on the territory of Ukraine, and did not acquire the citizenship of any of the parents by birth should be deemed a citizen of Ukraine.
{Part fourth of Article 7 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
A person born on the territory of Ukraine, one of whose parents was granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, and did not acquire the citizenship of any of the parents by birth or acquired the citizenship of the parent who was granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine by birth, should be deemed a citizen of Ukraine.
A person born on the territory of Ukraine to foreigners who legally reside on the territory of Ukraine, and have not, by his/her birth, acquired the citizenship of any of the parent who is not a foreigner, shall be deemed a citizen of Ukraine.
{Part sixth of Article 7 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
A newborn child found on the territory of Ukraine both of whose parents are unknown (foundling) shall be deemed a citizen of Ukraine.
A person who has the right to acquire citizenship of Ukraine by birth is deemed as a citizen of Ukraine from the moment of his/her birth.
Article 8. Acquisition of Citizenship of Ukraine by Territorial Origin
A person who himself/herself or at least one of whose parents, grandfather or grandmother, sibling (full or half), son or daughter, or grandchild was born or resided permanently until 24 August 1991 in the territory that became the territory of Ukraine under the Law of Ukraine “On Succession of Ukraine ”, or a person who himself/herself or at least one of whose parents, grandfather or grandmother, sibling (full or half) was born or resided permanently on other territories being, at the time when they were born or during their permanent residence, a part of either Ukrainian People’s Republic, West Ukrainian People’s Republic, Ukrainian State, Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, Transcarpathian Ukraine, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), and was a stateless person or a foreigner who had submitted an obligation for termination of foreign citizenship or an application for acquiring citizenship of Ukraine, should be registered as a citizen of Ukraine as well as his/her underage children. Foreigners who are citizens (patrials) of several states shall submit an obligation to terminate the citizenship of all these states. Foreigners who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, instead of the obligation to terminate their foreign citizenship, shall submit a declaration on the renunciation of a person who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine from foreign citizenship. Foreigners from among the persons specified in part twentieth of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, instead of the obligation to terminate foreign citizenship, shall submit a declaration of renunciation of foreign citizenship of a person who has obtained a temporary residence permit under part twentieth of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”
{Part first of Article 8 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005; as amended by Law No. 2743-VIII dated 06 June 2019}
A child who was born or permanently resided in the territory of the USSR (or at least one of his parents, grandfather, or grandmother was born or permanently resided in the territories specified in part first of this Article) and was a stateless person or a foreigner, in respect of whom an obligation had been filed to terminate foreign citizenship, should be registered as a citizen of Ukraine at the request of one of the parents or guardian or trustee.
{Part second of Article 8 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
A child who was born on the territory of Ukraine after 24 August 1991 and did not acquire citizenship of Ukraine by birth and was a stateless person or a foreigner in respect of whom an obligation had been filed to terminate foreign citizenship should be registered as a citizen of Ukraine at the request of one of its legal representatives.
{Part third of Article 8 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
{Part fourth of Article 8 has been deleted under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Foreigners specified in parts first and third of this Article who have submitted an obligation to terminate their foreign citizenship shall submit a document on this issued by the authorized body of the relevant state to the authorized body of Ukraine within two years from the date of registration as citizens of Ukraine. If foreigners having all the grounds provided for by the legislation of this state for obtaining such a document, cannot obtain it for reasons beyond their control, they shall submit a declaration of renunciation of foreign citizenship.
{Part fifth of Article 8 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Submission of an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship shall not be required for foreigners, who are citizens (patrials) of the states, the legislation of which provides for automatic termination of the citizenship (nationality) of these states at the same time as acquiring another state’s citizenship, or where the international treaties of Ukraine with other states, whose citizenship the foreigners have, provide for termination by persons of their citizenship of these states at the same time as acquiring citizenship of Ukraine, neither it shall be required for the persons who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine and for stateless persons.
{Part sixth of ARticle 8as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
In the cases provided for by this Article, the date of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine shall be the date of registration of acquisition by the person the citizenship of Ukraine.
A person who has acquired the citizenship of Ukraine and submitted a declaration on renewal of foreign citizenship shall be obliged to return his/her passport of a foreign state to the competent authorities of this state. Requirement on undertaking the obligation to return a foreign state’s passport shall not apply to persons, who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine.
{Part eighth of Article 8 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Article 9. Granting Citizenship of Ukraine
A foreigner or a stateless person may be granted citizenship of Ukraine at their request.
The requirements for granting citizenship of Ukraine are:
1) recognition of and compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine;
2) submission of a declaration on the absence of foreign citizenship (for stateless persons) or an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship (for foreigners).
Foreigners being citizens (patrials) of multiple states shall submit an obligation to terminate these states’ citizenship (nationality).
Foreigners who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, instead of the obligation to terminate their foreign citizenship, shall submit a declaration on the renunciation of a person who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine from foreign citizenship.
Foreigners from among the persons specified in part twentieth of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, instead of an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship, shall submit a declaration of renunciation of foreign citizenship of a person who has received a temporary residence permit under part two of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”.
{Clause 2, part second of Article 9 has been supplemented with a new paragraph under Law No. 2743-VIII dated 06 June 2019}
Submission of an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship shall not be required for foreigners who are citizens (patrials) of the states, the legislation of which provides for automatic termination of the citizenship (nationality) of these states at the same time as acquiring the citizenship of another state, or where the international treaties of Ukraine with other states whose citizenship the foreigners have, imply the termination of the citizenship of these states at the same time as acquiring citizenship of Ukraine.
Foreigners, who have submitted an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship, shall submit a document about this to a competent authority of Ukraine, which was issued by the competent authority of the relevant state within two years following the moment of their registration as Ukrainian citizens. Foreigners shall submit a declaration on renunciation of foreign citizenship in case of failure to obtain such document for the reasons beyond the control of foreigners having all the grounds for obtaining such document envisaged by the legislation of a relevant state.
{Clause 2, part second of Article 9 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
3) continuous lawful residence in the territory of Ukraine for the past five years.
This requirement shall not apply to foreigners or stateless persons who have been married to a citizen of Ukraine for over two years, and to the foreigners or stateless persons who were married to a citizen of Ukraine for over two years and whose marriage has been terminated because of the latter’s death. The two-year period for being married to a citizen of Ukraine shall not apply to foreigners and stateless persons who were granted immigration permits in accordance with Clause 1, part third of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On Immigration”.
{Paragraph second, Clause 3, part second of Article 9 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
The period of lawful continuous residence in the territory of Ukraine established for the persons, who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, shall be three years after granting them refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, and for those who have arrived in Ukraine as stateless persons – three years upon their entry in Ukraine.
{Paragraph third, Clause 3, part second of Article 9 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
The period of lawful continuous residence in the territory of Ukraine established for foreigners and stateless persons performing military service in Armed Forces of Ukraine under the contract, pursuant to the procedure established by legislation of Ukraine, shall be three years upon entry into force of the contract on performing military service in Armed Forces of Ukraine;
{Clause 3, part second of Article 9 has been supplemented with a paragraph fourth under Law No. 957-VIII dated 28 January 2016}
4) obtaining immigration permit.
{Paragraph first, Clause 4, part second of Article as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
This requirement shall not apply to the persons who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine and to foreigners and stateless persons performing military service in Armed Forces of Ukraine pursuant to the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine, or to those who arrived in Ukraine for permanent residence before the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Immigration” (7 August 2001), and have a stamp of residential address registration in a former USSR citizen passport of the 1974 standard, or have obtained a certificate for permanent residence in Ukraine;
{Paragraph second, Clause 4, part second of Article 9 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005; as amended under Law No. 957-VIII dated 28 January 2016}
5) speaking the state language or understanding it to the extent sufficient for communication. This requirement shall not apply to physically handicapped persons (blind, deaf, dumb).
6) existence of the legal livelihood. This requirement shall not apply to the persons who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine.
Provisions provided by Clauses 3 – 6, part second of this Article shall not apply nor to the persons who have provided exceptional services to Ukraine, including foreigners and stateless persons performing military service in Armed Forces of Ukraine pursuant to the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine and who have been awarded by the state award, persons, whose admission to the citizenship of Ukraine is of national interest to Ukraine, neither to persons who received a temporary residence permit under part twentieth of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”
{Part fourth of Article 9 as amended by Laws No. 957-VIII dated 28 January 2016, No. 2743-VIII dated 06 June 2019}
Admitting to the citizenship of Ukraine a child residing in Ukraine, one of whose parents or other person being the child’s legal representative hereunder and having a permit for immigration to Ukraine shall be carried out without taking into account the requirement provided for by Clauses 1, 3 – 6, part second of this Article. A permit for immigration to Ukraine shall not be required if the child’s legal representative is a person who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, or a foreigner or a stateless person who has arrived in Ukraine for permanent residence before the Law of Ukraine “On Immigration” (7 August 2001) has entered into force, and who has a stamp of residential address registration in a former USSR citizen passport of the 1974 standard, or has obtained a certificate for permanent residence in Ukraine.
{Part fourth of Article 9 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
The citizenship of Ukraine shall not be granted to a person, who:
1) has committed a crime against humanity or genocide;
2) is sentenced to deprivation of liberty in Ukraine for commitment of serious or particularly serious crime (until cancellation or eradication of conviction) with due account to the level of threat for national security of the state;
{Clause 2, part fifth of Article 9 as amended by Laws No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005, No. 3575-VI dated 05 July 2011}
3) has perpetrated an act in the territory of another state that is recognised as a serious or particularly serious crime by the legislation of Ukraine.
{Clause 3, part fifth of Article 9 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
The provisions of part fifth of this Article shall not apply to foreigners and stateless persons specified in part twentieth of Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons” if the competent authorities of Ukraine in the order determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, will establish that such decisions were made for political reasons by law enforcement and/or judicial bodies of the state that committed an act of aggression against Ukraine or a state that does not recognize the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine or refuses to recognize the unlawfulness of insolmination of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, i.e., has voted against the resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations “On Territorial Integrity of Ukraine” No. 68/262 dated 27 March 2014.
{Article 9 has been supplemented with a new part under Law No. 2743-VIII dated 06 June 2019}
A person who has acquired the citizenship of Ukraine and submitted a declaration on renewal of foreign citizenship shall be obliged to return his/her passport of a foreign state to the competent authorities of this state. Requirement on undertaking the obligation to return a foreign state’s passport shall not apply to persons, who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine.
{Part of Article 9 as amended by LawNo. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
In cases provided for by this Article, the date of acquirement of the citizenship of Ukraine is the date of publication of the relevant decree of the President of Ukraine.
Article 10. Renewal of Citizenship of Ukraine
A person who has terminated the citizenship of Ukraine, is a stateless person and has submitted an application for renewal of citizenship of Ukraine, shall be registered as a citizen of Ukraine, regardless of whether he/she permanently resides in Ukraine or abroad, unless the circumstances specified in the part fifth of Article 9 of this Law are present.
{Part first of Article 10 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
A person, who has acquired foreign citizenship (nationality) or foreign citizenships (nationalities) after terminating citizenship of Ukraine, and has returned for permanent residence to Ukraine and has submitted the application for renewal of citizenship of Ukraine and the obligation to terminate foreign citizenship, shall be registered as a citizen of Ukraine unless the circumstances specified in part fifth of Article 9 of this Law are present. A foreigner who is a citizen (patrial) of multiple states shall submit an obligation to terminate the citizenship of all such states. A foreigner, who has been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, shall submit a declaration on renunciation of foreign citizenship of a person granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine, instead of an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship. A foreigner, who has submitted an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship, shall submit a document about this to a competent authority of Ukraine, which was issued by a competent authority of the relevant state within two years following the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine. A foreigner shall submit a declaration on renunciation of foreign citizenship in case of failure to obtain such document for the reasons beyond the control of the foreigner having all the grounds for obtaining such document envisaged by the legislation of a relevant state.
{Part second of Article 10 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
{Part third of Article 10 has been deleted under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Submission of an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship shall not be required for the citizens (patrials) of states, the legislation of which provides for automatic termination citizenship (nationality) of these states at the same time as acquiring citizenship of another state, if international treaties of Ukraine with other states, the citizenship of which the foreigners have, provide for the termination of citizenship of these states at the same time as acquiring citizenship of Ukraine, neither shall it be required for the persons who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine and for stateless persons.
{Part fourth of ARticle 10 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
The citizenship of Ukraine shall not be renewed for those persons, who have lost the citizenship of Ukraine due to its acquisition by fraud, deliberate submission of false information or false documents, or in regard of whom the decisions to formalize the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine have been revoked under Article 21 of this Law.
{Part fifth of Article 10 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
In the cases provided for by this Article, the date of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine shall be the date of registration of acquisition by the person the citizenship of Ukraine.
A person who has acquired the citizenship of Ukraine and submitted a declaration on renewal of foreign citizenship shall be obliged to return his/her passport of a foreign state to the competent authorities of this state. Requirement on undertaking the obligation to return a foreign state’s passport shall not apply to persons, who have been granted refugee status in Ukraine or asylum in Ukraine.
{Part seventh of Article 10 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Article 11. Acquisition of the Citizenship of Ukraine by Children due to their Adoption
A child who is a foreigner or a stateless person and who is adopted by citizens of Ukraine or by spouses one of which is the citizen of Ukraine and the other is a stateless person shall become a citizen of Ukraine since the entry into force of the decision on adoption regardless of whether he/she permanently resides in Ukraine or abroad.
A child who is a stateless person or a foreigner and who is adopted by spouses, one of which is the citizen of Ukraine and the other is a foreigner, shall become a citizen of Ukraine since the entry into force of the decision on adoption, regardless of whether he/she permanently resides in Ukraine or abroad.
A person of full age, who is stateless and resides permanently in the territory of Ukraine and is adopted by citizens of Ukraine or by spouses, one of which is the citizen of Ukraine, shall become a citizen of Ukraine since the entry into force of the court’s decision on his/her adoption.
{Article 11has been supplemented with the part third under LawNo, 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Article 12. Acquisition of the Citizenship of Ukraine Due to Establishing of Guardianship or Trusteeship of a Child, Placing a Child into a Child-Care or Healthcare Institution, Family-Type Orphanage or Adopting Family or due to Foster Placement of a Child in a Patronage Fosterer Family
A child, who is a foreigner or a stateless person, and guardianship or trusteeship of whom has been established, where a citizen of Ukraine or persons, one of which is a citizen of Ukraine and the other is a stateless person have been appointed as a guardian or trustee, shall become a citizen of Ukraine since the adoption of the decision on the establishment of guardianship or trusteeship, or since the entry into force of the court’s decision on the establishment of guardianship or trusteeship.
A child, who resides in the territory of Ukraine and is a stateless person or a foreigner, and guardianship or trusteeship of whom have been established, where the persons, one of which is a citizen of Ukraine and the other is a stateless person, have been appointed as a guardian or a trustee, shall become a citizen of Ukraine since the adoption of the decision on the establishment of guardianship or trusteeship, or since the entry into force of the court’s decision on the establishment of guardianship or trusteeship, if such child does not acquire the citizenship of the guardian or trusteeship who is a foreigner.
A child, who is a foreigner or a stateless person and resides permanently in a child-care or healthcare institution, the administration whereof performs the duties of a guardian or trustee in relation to such child, shall become a citizen of Ukraine since the moment of his/her placement into the relevant institution, if his/her parents are dead, deprived of parental rights, recognised as missing or incapable, declared dead, or in case of failure to find parents of a child separated from the family.
A child, who is a foreigner or a stateless person and is raised in a family-type orphanage, adopting family, patronage fosterer family, where at least one of the fostering parents or adoptive parents or patronage fosterers is the citizen of Ukraine, shall become a Ukrainian citizen since the moment of placement such a child to the relevant family-type orphanage or adopting family, or since the moment of foster placement such child in a patronage fosterer family, if his/her parents are dead, deprived of parental rights, recognized as missing or incapable, declared dead, or in case of failure to find parents of a child separated from the family.
{Article 12 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Article 13. Acquisition of the Citizenship of Ukraine by a Person Recognised Incapable by the Court due to Establishment of Guardianship of such Citizen of Ukraine
A foreigner or a stateless person, who resides lawfully in Ukraine and is recognized incapable by the court and as a citizen of Ukraine, guardianship of whom is established, shall acquire the citizenship of Ukraine since the entry into force of the decision on establishment of guardianship.
Article 14. Acquisition of the Citizenship of Ukraine by a Child Due to the Citizenship of Ukraine of His/Her Parents or One of His/Her Parents
A child who is a foreigner or stateless person and one of whose parents is a citizen of Ukraine and the other is a stateless person, shall be registered as a citizen of Ukraine by application of the parent being a citizen of Ukraine.
A child who is a stateless person, and one of whose parents is a citizen of Ukraine and the other is a foreigner, shall be registered as a citizen of Ukraine by application of the parent being a citizen of Ukraine.
A child who is a foreigner or stateless person, and both of whose parents are citizens of Ukraine, shall be registered as a citizen of Ukraine by application of either parent.
A child, who is a foreigner, and one of whose parents is a citizen of Ukraine and the other is a foreigner, shall be registered as a citizen of Ukraine by application of the parent being a citizen of Ukraine.
{Article 14 has been supplemented with a part under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
In the cases provided for by this Article, the date of acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine shall be the date of registration of acquisition by the person the citizenship of Ukraine.
Article 15. Acquisition of the Citizenship of Ukraine due to Recognition of the Paternity or Maternity or Establishment of the Fact of Paternity or Maternity
In case of recognition of paternity of a child, whose mother is a foreigner or stateless person, and whose recognised father is a citizen of Ukraine, the child shall acquire the citizenship of Ukraine regardless of a place of his/her birth or place of permanent residence.
In case of recognition of maternity of a child, whose father is a foreigner or stateless person, and whose recognised mother is a citizen of Ukraine, the child shall acquire the citizenship of Ukraine regardless of a place of his/her birth and place of permanent residence.
In case of establishment of the fact of paternity of a child, whose mother is a foreigner or stateless person, provided the child’s father was a citizen of Ukraine, the child shall acquire the citizenship of Ukraine regardless of the place of his/her birth and place of permanent residence.
In case of establishment of the fact of maternity of a child, whose father is a foreigner or stateless person, provided child’s mother was a citizen of Ukraine, the child shall acquire the citizenship of Ukraine regardless of the place of his/her birth and place of permanent residence.
If recognition of paternity or maternity, or establishment of the fact of paternity or maternity took place after the child has reached full age, such person being stateless shall acquire the citizenship of Ukraine regardless of a place of birth and place of permanent residence under the requirements provided for in parts first – fourth of this Article.
If recognition of paternity or maternity, or establishment of the fact of paternity or maternity took place after the child has reached full age, such person being a foreigner shall acquire the citizenship of Ukraine regardless of a place of birth and place of permanent residence under the requirements provided for in parts first – fourth of this Article, if such person has submitted an application for acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine and an obligation to terminate foreign citizenship.
In cases provided for by parts first – fifth of this Article, the date of acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine shall be the date of the child’s (person’s) birth, or the date of acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine by a father or mother, whose paternity (or maternity) has been recognised, or in relation to whom the fact of paternity or maternity has been established, if such father or mother has acquired the citizenship of Ukraine after the child’s (person’s) birth.
In the case provided for by part sixth of this Article, the date of acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine shall be the date of registration of acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine by the person.
{Article 15 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Article 16. Requirement of the Children’s Consent While Acquiring the Citizenship of Ukraine
Acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine by children aged 14 to 18 can take place with their consent only.
{Article 16 as amended by LawNo. 2508-IV dated 05 April 2005}
Section III
Article 17. Grounds for Termination of the Citizenship of Ukraine
The citizenship of Ukraine shall be terminated:
1) due to withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine;
2) due to loss of the citizenship of Ukraine;
3) on the grounds provided for by international treaties of Ukraine.
Article 18. Withdrawal from the Citizenship of Ukraine
A citizen of Ukraine, who is a person permanently residing abroad in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine by his/her application.
{Part first of Article 18 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
If a child together with his/her parents has left for permanent residence abroad and the parents withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine, the child also may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine together with his/her parents by application by either of the parents.
If one of a child’s parents left for permanent residence abroad together with his/her child and withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine, while the other parent remains a citizen of Ukraine, the child may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine together with the parent withdrawing the citizenship of Ukraine by his/her application.
If one of a child’s parents has left for permanent residence abroad together with his/her child and withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine, and the other parent is a foreigner or a stateless person, the child may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine together with the parent withdrawing the citizenship of Ukraine by his/her application.
If a child has left for permanent residence abroad and his/her parents withdrew the citizenship of Ukraine, the child may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine by application of either of the parents.
If a child has left for permanent residence abroad with one of the parents and this parent has been withdrawn the citizenship of Ukraine while the other parent is a citizen of Ukraine, the child may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine upon application by the parent having withdrawn from the citizenship of Ukraine.
If a child has left for permanent residence abroad with one of the parents and this parent has withdrawn from the citizenship of Ukraine while the other parent has been a foreigner or stateless person the child may withdraw from the citizenship of Ukraine upon application by the parent having withdrawn from the citizenship of Ukraine.
A child who is considered permanently residing abroad according to the current legislation of Ukraine may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine by application of either of parents.
{Article 18 has been supplemented with a part under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
A child who had acquired the citizenship of Ukraine by birth might withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine upon application by either of parents regardless of a place of residence if the parents or at least one of them was foreigners or stateless persons at the moment of his(her) birth.
{Part ninth of Article 18 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
A child adopted by spouses whereof one is a citizen of Ukraine and the other is a foreigner may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine upon application by the adopter being a foreigner.
A child adopted by foreigners or stateless persons may withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine by application of either of adopters.
Withdrawal from citizenship of Ukraine shall be allowed if a person has acquired the citizenship of another state or has obtained a document issued by a competent authority of another state on that the citizen of Ukraine would acquire citizenship of that state provided such person shall withdraw the citizenship of Ukraine.
Withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine of children aged 14 to 18 could take place with their consent only.
{Part of Article 18 as amended under Law No. 2508-IV dated 05 April 2005}
Withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine should not be allowed if the person applying for withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine was notified of suspicion in committing a criminal offense or is convicted in Ukraine by a final court judgment that came into force and should be executed.
{Part fourteenth of Article 18 as revised under Law No. 4652-VI dated 13 April 2012}
In cases specified by this Article, the date of termination of citizenship of Ukraine shall be the date of issue of a relevant decree by the President of Ukraine.
Article 19. Grounds for Loss of the Citizenship of Ukraine
The grounds for loss of the citizenship of Ukraine shall be:
1) voluntary acquisition of the citizenship of another state by a citizen of Ukraine if he/she has reached full age at the moment of such acquisition.
Voluntary acquisition of the citizenship of another state shall be all cases where a citizen of Ukraine has to make an application or petition for acquisition of the citizenship of another state under the procedure established by the national legislation of the state, the citizenship of which has been acquired.
The following cases shall be not considered as voluntary acquisition of another citizenship:
a) child’s simultaneous acquisition of the citizenship of Ukraine and the citizenship of another state or states by his/her birth;
b) acquisition of the citizenship of his/her adopters by a child being a citizen of Ukraine due to adoption of such child by foreigners;
c) automatic acquisition of another citizenship by a citizen of Ukraine due to marriage with foreigner;
d) automatic acquisition of another citizenship by a citizen of Ukraine who has reached full age due to application of another state legislation on citizenship if such citizen of Ukraine has not obtained a document proving his/her citizenship of another state;
2) acquisition by a person of the citizenship of Ukraine on the ground of Article 9 of this Law due to fraud, deliberate submission of false information or false documents.
3) voluntary joining to the military service of another state which is not military duty or alternative (non-military) duty according to the legislation of this state.
{Clause 3, part first of Article 19 as amended by Law No. 1014-V dated 11 May 2007}
{Part first of Article 19 as revised under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Provisions of the clauses 1, 3, part first of this Article shall not be applicable if resulting in citizen of Ukraine becomes a stateless person.
{Part second of Article 19 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
In cases specified by this Article, the date of termination of citizenship of Ukraine shall be the date of issue of a relevant decree by the President of Ukraine.
{Article 19 has been supplemented with the part third under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
{Article 19 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Article 20. Legal Identity of a Citizen of Ukraine Applying for Withdrawal from the Citizenship of Ukraine, or in Respect of Whom the Loss of Citizenship is being Formalized
A citizen of Ukraine who has submitted an application for withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine, or in respect of whom the loss of citizenship is being formalized, shall implement all the rights and shall bear all the obligations of a citizen of Ukraine until the decree of the President of Ukraine on the termination of the citizenship of Ukraine will be issued.
{Article 20 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Article 21. Revocation of Decisions to Formalize Acquisition of the Citizenship of Ukraine
A decision to formalize acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine shall be revoked, if the person has acquired the citizenship of Ukraine pursuant to Articles 8 or 10 of this Law due to fraud, or deliberate submission of false information or false documents, or by concealing of any material fact which prevents the person from the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine.
Section IV
Article 22. Powers of the President of Ukraine
The President of Ukraine shall:
1) adopts decisions and issues decrees on admission to and termination of the citizenship of Ukraine according to the Constitution of Ukraine and this Law;
2) determines procedure for citizenship applications and submissions, as well as for implementation of adopted decisions;
3) approves the Regulation on the Presidential Commission on Citizenship.
Article 23. Powers of the Presidential Commission on Citizenship
The Presidential Commission on Citizenship:
1) considers applications on admission to and withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine and submissions on loss of the citizenship of Ukraine and makes proposals for the President of Ukraine regarding satisfaction of such applications and submissions;
2) returns documents on admission to or withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine to the central executive authority on citizenship or to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for formalizing according to the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine;
3) supervises the implementation of decisions adopted by the President of Ukraine
Article 24. Powers Of the Central Executive Authority Implementing State Policy On Citizenship
The central executive authority implementing state policy on citizenship shall exercise the powers to:
1) determine the citizenship of Ukraine according to Article 3 of this Law;
2) receive applications, along with the necessary documents, in regard to admission to the citizenship of Ukraine, withdrawal of children from the citizenship of Ukraine in cases provided for by parts tenth-twelfth of Article 18 of this Law; verify the correctness of documents’ form, the existence of preconditions for admission to the citizenship of Ukraine and the absence of grounds preventing granting citizenship of Ukraine to the person, the existence of grounds for withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine and the absence of grounds under which withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine is not permitted, forward applications along with its conclusion for consideration of the Presidential Commission on Citizenship;
3) prepare submissions on the loss of citizenship of Ukraine and forward them along with all the necessary documents for consideration of the Presidential Commission on Citizenship;
4) adopt decisions to formalise the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine on the grounds stipulated by clauses 1, 2, 4–10 of Article 6 of this Law;
5) revoke within its powers the adopted decisions to formalize acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine in cases provided for by Article 21 of this Law;
6) execute decisions of the President of Ukraine on Citizenship;
7) issue passports of a citizen of Ukraine, temporary certificates of a citizen of Ukraine, and certificates on registration of a person as a citizen of Ukraine to persons acquired the citizenship of Ukraine;
{Clause 7, part one of Article 24 as amended by Law No. 5492-VI of 20 November 2012}
8) withdraw passports of a citizen of Ukraine, temporary certificates of a citizen of Ukraine, passports of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad from persons whose citizenship was terminated or in relation to whom the decision to formalize the acquisition of citizenship of Ukrain has been revoked, and to issue certificates on termination of the citizenship of Ukraine;
{Clause 8, part first of Article 24 as amended by Law No. 5492-VI dated 20 November 2012}
9) keep records on persons who acquired the citizenship of Ukraine and on persons who terminated the citizenship of Ukraine.
The central executive authority implementing state policy on citizenship shall inform on a one time in a half-year basis the Presidential Commission on Citizenship of implementation of decisions of the President of Ukraine on Citizenship.
The central executive authority implementing state policy on citizenship shall exercise powers provided for by part first of this Article in relation to persons residing in the territory of Ukraine.
{Article 24 as amended under Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005; as revised under Law No. 5459-VI dated 16 November 2012}
Article 25. Powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Diplomatic Missions and Consulates of Ukraine
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, diplomatic missions and consulates of Ukraine shall exercise the following powers:
1) determine the citizenship of Ukraine according to Article 3 of this Law;
2) receive applications along with the necessary documents in regard to granting the citizenship of Ukraine to persons who have rendered exceptional services to Ukraine and persons whose admission to the citizenship of Ukraine is of national interest to Ukraine; verify the correctness of their form, the existence of preconditions for granting to the citizenship of Ukraine and the absence of grounds preventing a person from being admitted to the citizenship of Ukraine; and forward them along with conclusion for consideration of the Presidential Commission on Citizenship;
3) receive applications along with the necessary documents in regard to withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine; verify the correctness of their form, the existence of grounds for withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine, the absence of grounds under which withdrawal from the citizenship of Ukraine is not permitted; and forward them along with conclusion for consideration of the Presidential Commission on Citizenship;
4) prepare submissions on the loss of the citizenship of Ukraine by persons and forward them along with all the necessary documents for consideration of the Presidential Commission on Citizenship;
5) adopt decisions to formalize the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine on the grounds provided for by Clauses 1, 2, 4 – 10 of Article 6 of this Law;
6) revoke their adopted decisions to formalize the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine in cases provided for by Article 21 of this Law;
7) implement the decisions of the President of Ukraine on Citizenship;
8) issue passports of a citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad, temporary certificates of a citizen of Ukraine, and certificates on registration of a person as a citizen of Ukraine to persons who have acquired the citizenship of Ukraine;
{Clause 8, part first of Article 25 as amended by Law No. 5492-VI dated 20 November 2012}
9) withdraw passports of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad, temporary certificates of a citizen of Ukraine from persons whose citizenship was terminated or in relation of whom the decision to formalize the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine has been revoked, and issue certificates on termination of the citizenship of Ukraine;
{Clause 8, part first of Article 25 as amended by Law No. 5492-VI dated 20 November 2012}
10) keep records on persons who acquired the citizenship of Ukraine and on persons who terminated the citizenship of Ukraine;
11) verify the citizenship of Ukraine upon application of persons staying abroad.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, diplomatic missions and consulates of Ukraine shall exercise the powers provided for by Clauses 1 – 10 of part first of this Article in relation to persons permanently residing abroad in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as to adopt the decisions to formalize the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine on the ground provided for by Clause 1 of Article 6 of this Law in relation to persons born outside Ukraine.
{Article 25 as amended by Law No. 2663-IV dated 16 June 2005}
Section V
Article 26. Appeals against Decisions on Citizenship Issues
Decisions on citizenship issues may be appealed before the court according to procedure established by law.
{Article 26 as amended under Law No. 5459-VI dated 16 October 2012}
Article 27. Appeals against Acts or Inaction of Officials and Officers Breaching the Procedure for Considering of Citizenship Cases
Acts or inaction of officials and officers breaching the procedure and deadlines for considering citizenship cases and implementing decisions on citizenship issues may be appealed both administratively and judicially.
Article 28. Procedure for Appeal against Decisions on Citizenship Issues, Acts or Inaction of Officials and Officers by Persons Permanently Residing Abroad
Persons permanently residing abroad shall appeal against unlawful acts or inaction of officials of diplomatic missions or consulates of Ukraine before the court according to procedure established by law.
Article 29. Liability of Officials and Officers for Violation of Legislation on Citizenship
Officials and officers who have violated this Law shall be liable under the procedure provided by laws of Ukraine.
Section VI
- This Law shall enter into force on the date of its publication.
- After the entry into force of this Law the following shall become invalid:
The Law of Ukraine “On Citizenship of Ukraine” (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1991, No. 50, p. 701; 1993, No. 14, p. 121; 1994, No. 33, p. 299, N0. 43, p. 390; 1997, No. 23, p. 169; 2000, No. 25, p. 198);
Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On the Procedure of Validation of the Law of Ukraine “On citizenship of Ukraine” (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1991, No. 50, p. 702);
The Resolution of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Procedure of Application of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On Citizenship of Ukraine” in Relation to Military Servicemen” (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1994, No. 50, p. 450).
- Within 3 months following the date of publication of this Law the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall:
prepare and submit for consideration to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine proposals on bringing the laws of Ukraine in line with this Law;
ensure that central executive authorities bring their regulatory acts in line with this Law.
- The President of Ukraine shall be recommended to bring his acts into conformity with this Law.
President of Ukraine
City of Kyiv
18 January 2001
No. 2235-III